K-Active Taping
Taping supports the body to function optimally thus enabling a faster recovery
Founded in the ‘70s this application has become hugely popular over the last 20 years due to it’s success in treatment. Unlike any other mode of treatment, this works 24/7 whilst the tape is applied.
The main objective of K-Active Taping is to support the body’s own performance and healing processes using very specific applications of the tape, which has been determined through a thorough assessment by your physiotherapist.
The applied tape remains on the skin for a period of 5-10 days, allowing the body to function at a higher level thus supporting the body’s healing. This may need to be repeated and/or varied a few time until the full healing has taken place.
Can you apply your own tape? Off course, once your physiotherapist has determined which application will work the most effectively for your ailment, and taught you how to apply the tape then no problem. Watching a you-tube video and trying yourself is not recommended.
Unless the area to be taped has damaged skin (sun burns, open wounds, irritable skin conditions) the tape can be applied at any time to help treat a huge array of issues as well as prevent others.
Treatment modalities include:
Restriction and/or pain in any of the body’s joints - very commonly applied on shoulders, knees and ankles
Growth pain in teens, especially the knees
Spinal issues such as back and neck pain, SI-Joint dysfunction, Scoliosis
Muscle injuries grade 1-3
Muscle irritations such as tennis elbow, rotator cuff issues, achilles and patella tendonitis or plantar fasciitis to name a few
Sports injuries
Headaches and dizziness
Lymphatic swellings and restless leg syndrome
neurological deficits
Postural correction
Support joints such as the foot to improve flat feet, hammer toes and align the arches and the foot better
(osteo) Arthritis of joints
Treatment of scars
K-active taping has two massive benefits in pregnancy:
the sensitive version of the tape is extremely gentle on the skin not irritating the thin stretched skin of the belly or breasts
unlike medications, the tape has no side effects and thus is super safe during pregnancies and breast feeding
The K-Active taping is used to reduce common ailments in pregnancy such as back pain, neck strain, pubic symphysis pain, reduce swelling in the legs, off-load the belly to reduce strain as well as treat injuries such as sprained ankles with no side effects. K-Active Taping is very successful in the treatment of breast engorgement pain, which helps to minimise the risk of mastitis.